Group Classes

Coldwater Caine Academy and Pampered Paws introduces a NEW training program that is flexible for the modern family lifestyle.  Group training classes are designed so that you and your dog can work at your own pace.  Classes are divided into 3 skill levels.  The same skill level class is offered up to 2 times a week to accommodate your busy schedule.  You are welcome to attend class as often as you want at your skill level and below.

Shooting STAR Membership 15 classes of unlimited attendance in  obedience classes and Out and About tours ————Tuition $360

Silver STAR Membership  10 classes of unlimited attendance in obedience classes and Out an About tours ————–Tuition $320.00

STAR Membership  8 classes of limited attendance obedience classes.
—————–Tuition $180.00

With packages above you may come more then once a week to your class but, are required to come once a week for 8 weeks.

Levels of Training

LEVEL 1- this level is meant mostly for puppies and beginers. Here we will focus on typical puppy behaviors (jumping and nipping ect.). We will review topics of concerns like potty training, solcialization, proper play, crate training, children interractions and basic obedeince (balanced training). Emphasis will be on socialization and focus work.

8 week class with end result being a AKC S.T.A.R puppy award

Monday 6:15-7:00 pm

Saturday 10:00-10:30

LEVEL 2- this level is for the over one puppies and adult dogs. We are working on basic obedeince (sit, down, place, here, stay), heeling, proper leash control, correctional collars (if needed) and verbal commands. This class works with dogs and handlers as a team. We will work to best help you connect with your dog and bring out the right drives and abilities. We base our training procedures on the individual teams not the group as a whole.

Monday 7:00-7:45 pm

Saturday 10:30-10:45

Out and About Tour-

taking your dogs out for pack walks is great for socialization and manners in public.  With these walks we will help teach you and your dog enjoy being in public more. We will go to different areas of town the second and four Saturday of each month 12:30-1:00pm

Canine Good Citzen Prep/Test

“Responsible Owners, Well-Mannered Dogs.The AKC’s Canine Good Citizen program is recognized as the gold standard for dog behavior. In CGC, dogs who pass the 10 step CGC test can earn a certificate and/or the official AKC CGC title. Dogs with the CGC title have the suffix, “CGC” after their names.”

We will be offering a CGC 6 week prep corse and test for our clients now. We mostly recommend this class after Level 2 has been completed. This is a great way to show off your dogs skills and recive a AKC title or certificate. This is avaiable for ALL dogs.

Our next class will begin in February